Evaluation of Dynamic Behavior of Tire on Concrete Pavement: A Case Study of Yamuna Expressway


  • Daya Shankar Ray, Dr. Rajendra Kumar Srivastava, Dr. Rakesh Varma




The rigid pavement design has given higher speed but has somehow compromised in the surface friction part too and to balance this part, there hasbeenaprovisionofhighertexturedepthswhichhasgivenbettergripingvalueboth in dry and wet conditions. But now it has come into notice that there is a tirebursting phenomenon that is occurring in the rigid pavement, hence this paper has analyzed the amount of energy that is contributed by the higher texture depths into the rollingtires. This essay aims to assess the energy generated when a tyre rolls on a firm pavement surface, how it is transferred into the environment, and how some of it is absorbed by the tyre itself. This paper will place more attention on the energy generated as a result of the pavement's textures, leaving out any energy lost as a result of other factors.Textureprovidedonthepavementisbasicallya series of repeating figures drawn transverse to the moving direction in order to attain adesiredvalueofskidresistanceandfrictionsoastoavoidskiddinginanycondition. Butinviewofthisthereisanabruptincreaseintheamountof energybeingproduced andthisiscausingtheproblemoftirebursting.Sofortheanalysistestswereconducted atthesiteandtheinitialandthefinalpressureofthetireswerenoteddown.Thekinetic theory of gases has given the kinetic energy of the enclosed gas before the test and after the test. Since there is an increase in the pressure of the tires hence using Gay Lussac’s law we concluded there will be an increase in the temperature also hence final temperature was calculated. Friction analysis and the contact area patch analysis has also given the reasons why low inflation pressure and the poor quality of the tires can lead to the tire bursting phenomenon .There has not been a lot of research going on regarding this issue but research paper related to few key problems involved in this study on combining will pave the foundation for the advance research on this issue.




How to Cite

Daya Shankar Ray, Dr. Rajendra Kumar Srivastava, Dr. Rakesh Varma. (2022). Evaluation of Dynamic Behavior of Tire on Concrete Pavement: A Case Study of Yamuna Expressway. Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, 71(4), 1852–1873. https://doi.org/10.17762/msea.v71i4.709


